Tuesday, June 10, 2014

You're Next (2011)

You're Next
Director: Adam Wingard
Starring: Sharni Vinson, Joe Swanberg, AJ Bowen
My Rating: Loved It!

You're Next already holds a special place in my heart. It's fun, upbeat, bloody, and hilarious. I love movies that put characters into dire situations yet are still capable of being funny. I especially appreciate the film because the budget was only $1 Million. One million seems like a lot of dough, but in movies that's practically chump change. With such a small budget, it's easy to tell that this movie was made with passion by everyone involved. Oh yeah, and the flick earned $25 million at the box office. More movies should be made like this. It's a quality looking movie, much more so than bigger budget flicks. Hollywood spending tens of millions on a movie is absurd to me, but I digress.

I find You're Next elegant in its simplicity. I'll take this simple plot over some convoluted twist ending any day. And this may just be me, but I think You're Next is one of the best horror movie titles ever. Once again, elegant in its simplicity. The thought of being next to die in such a situation is chilling, so I think it's a perfect title. Everything about the movie is well done, but it's the small, possibly over-looked, touches that make the movie great to me. For instance, the title written in blood on the window in the opening scene is a great title screen, plus at the very end when the title "splashes" on screen is another really cool touch. My favorite small touch is the CD in the neighbors house that happens to be on repeat when they get killed. I can't exactly explain why I like this so much, but I love it. It's also very refreshing to have a true "survivor girl," in every sense of the term. Erin (Vinson) is so badass and has to be up there as one of the top "survivor girl's" of all time. And the blender, ohhh the blender! Such a great horror movie moment! You're Next is everything I wanted and more.