Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Quiet Ones (2014)

The Quiet Ones
Director: John Pogue
Starring: Jared Harris, Sam Claflin, Olivia Cooke
My Rating: Didn't Like It

Don't get me wrong, I think The Quiet Ones is a well made movie, but it offers nothing new that audiences haven't seen before. Maybe if it didn't have about twenty unnecessary ear piercing "jump scares" it would've gotten a higher rating from me. There are way too many of them. I'd rather be scared by something that is happening on screen, not by an extremely loud noise accompanied by something as stupid as a friend of the main character banging on a window. Those are simply cop out scares. It gets people's hearts racing, but for the wrong reasons.

I don't think the story/script is that bad, it's just not fleshed out enough. I thought the first half dragged a bit, but once the real motives are revealed the first half becomes a bit better in retrospect. The shining light of the movie is the "possessed" character, Jane Harper, played by Olivia Cooke of Bate's Motel. She's definitely one of my favorite young actresses.

Things pick up in pace towards the end, but ultimately I think The Quiet Ones is, although well made, kind of boring. There is nothing new or very interesting enough for me to recommend it.