Friday, June 13, 2014

Il Futuro (2013)

Il Futuro
Director: Alicia Scherson
Starring: Luigi Ciardo, Manuela Martelli, Rutger Hauer
My Rating: Liked It

This past November at the Virginia Film Festival, I only had enough time to catch five films over the four day period. I enjoy foreign films every once in a while, so I gave Il Futuro a shot. I went into it completely blind, which I wish I could do more these days; but with the internet it's hard not to know a lot about films before their release. I'm absolutely glad I chose to see it.

Thomas and Bianca, both teenagers in high school, lose their parents at the beginning of the movie to a fatal car accident. The story follows the two of them making their way through life with only each other. Bianca eventually comes upon an odd opportunity to make money. This leads to an unusual relationship between a young woman and an old, rich movie star. The story is about damaged souls. It's about facing the world when you've been dealt a shitty hand. The film has soul and style, and is quite evocative.

I felt like the ending was underwhelming, though. Nevertheless, the contrasting nature of the young girl looking into the future to get away from her dark present and the old man grasping at the past to get away from his lonely present is quite intriguing. I suppose for damaged souls the future is all they have.