Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Daily Awesome #125

From the stellar House of X #1. 

99 Neighbors have some vibes out there!

Crawl (2019)

Director: Alejandra Aja
Starring: Kaya Scodelario,
My Rating: Liked It

Box Office Performance: Domestic total as of Aug 5th is $36,438,487/Foreign total at $17,600,000. Pretty impressive total of $54 Million for a movie with a budget of just $13.5 Million.

Crawl has an overly basic story, but I think it works, especially since it runs at an extremely lean 87 minutes. The story takes place in Florida during a Category 5 hurricane. The main character quickly gets into a perilous situation in which she and her father are stuck in the crawl space of their old house, completely surrounded by monstrous alligators.

A movie like this reminds me of such films as Phonebooth or Buried. The movie confines itself to one space, this time it being a disgusting and dreary crawl space. And because of this the movie really has to be stylish to elevate the movie above it's limited locale. I think Crawl, Phonebooth, and Buried are all good examples of movies that pull this off well.

Overall I'd say if you want a quick, adrenaline pumping ride, then give Crawl a try. The alligators look excellent. The actors seem very dedicated to what they're doing. It was entertaining, brutally bloody, and also over in the blink of an eye, in terms of most movies that come out these days. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

IT (2017)

Director: Andy Muschietti
Starring: Bill Skarsgard, Jaeden Martell, Finn Wolfhard
My Rating: Loved It!

Box Office Performance: $327,481,748 Domestically/ $372,900,000 Foreign = $700,381,748 Worldwide.
Domestically IT sits at the top of the list for R Rated horror movies. Followed by The Exorcist at #2, Get Out at #3, Us at #4, and 2018's Halloween at #5.
All time domestically IT stands as the #66 highest grossing movie ever.
IT has the highest opening weekend in September ever at $123,403,419, absolutely blowing away the competition this month, the next highest grossing opening weekend in September stands at $53,807,379.

IT is at the top of my list of horror movies in 2017. It's in the top ten of all movies in 2017 for me as well. Bill Skarsgard's turn as Pennywise the Dancing Clown is electrifying to watch, with his over the top theatrics throughout the whole 2 hr 15 min runtime. "That wasn't real enough for you?! It was real enough for Georgie." I've seen this movie a handful of times and that line always stands out as one of the best moments of the movie. It's the first time you see Pennywise in an almost vulnerable position.

Another great part of this movie is the comic relief. Finn Wolfhard's character provides plenty of laughs throughout and the kids have great friendly banter, although some of the things said are maybe a little advanced for how old the kids are.

Like I said in my instagram post from two years ago, this movie is very similar to Nightmare on Elm Street in the best ways possible. It's like the best Elm Street movie we never got. 

Daily Awesome #124

I'm back, Fam. And by Fam, I mean nobody.
This is my first post in over four years. In four years I've become quite the comic reader. Here is an image from Web of Venom: Carnage Born!
Since this is the first post of many I'll be making in the upcoming months, years??!, decades!?!?, I'll add some music that I've been listening to.

I've been loving Lou the Human's new Painkiller Paradise. Enjoy the tunes!