Monday, June 16, 2014

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - Freddy's Revenge (1985)

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - Freddy's Revenge
Director: Jack Sholder
Starring: Robert Englund, Robert Patton, Kim Myers
My Rating: Didn't like it

The plot of Freddy's Revenge is: Freddy haunts Jesse, a new member of Elm Street, and gets into his mind so Jesse will kill for him. And the one thing that really aggravates me is the movie didn't explain why Freddy was doing this. Why did he get Jesse to do this? Can't he do it himself? Plus, Freddy hardly haunts any dreams in this movie. It's all him taking over this kid, whether Jesse's asleep or not. So, I feel it deviates from the formula in a bad way.

On top of everything though, the acting is absolutely atrocious. And that opening bus sequence and night club gym teacher scene were so ridiculously corny. This Elm Street simply doesn't even fit in with the others. Freddy kills people in their dreams. He doesn't do that any in this movie. It also muddles the outcome of the first movie, offering some contradictory information from what was shown in the original. If there's one movie from the series to skip, it's Freddy's Revenge.