Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mulholland Drive (2001)

Mulholland Drive
Director: David Lynch
Starring: Naomi Watts, Laura Herring, Justin Theroux
My Rating: Loved It!

Usually when I watch things that elude me I lose interest quickly, but things made by David Lynch are a big exception. Mulholland Dr. is very intriguing, but so very confusing at the same time. And towards the end just when I thought I probably had it figured out, something else is thrown in that confused me. And honestly, that's exactly why this is such a great movie. It creates discussions and allows for possible multiple interpretations, thus it has some serious staying power.

Here's how I interpret it (and this could be absolutely wrong): The first two hours are all Naomi's character's dream, and then the rest is reality but I think she's mentally unstable so she's a little loopy. This makes a lot of sense to me but I'm sure there are plenty of other interpretations that make a lot of sense too. Maybe it has a grand meaning or maybe it all means nothing, either way it's a fantastic movie.