Friday, June 13, 2014

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Director: Ben Stiller
Starring: Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Jon Daly
My Score: Didn't like it

I definitely enjoy the overall theme of the film: get out there and do things, as opposed to daydreaming about them until it's too late to experience amazing things. But even though I was entertained by Walter Mitty, I found the story pretty frustrating as well. As soon as Walter got the package with the wallet and the missing negative, I instantly knew the negative was in that wallet. And I'm sure everyone else figured that too. So, first of all, the whole movie could've been avoided if the photographer, Sean O'connell, would've just left the negative sheet intact. Or, the whole movie could've been avoided if Walter would've just checked that wallet (a.k.a. the only other god damn thing in the package) for the negative. Later in the movie before Walter throws the wallet away, it even shows that Walter had cards and things in that wallet. How he never saw that negative, I don't know. Or how about when Sean visits Walter's mother to ask her about Walter. Why didn't he just visit Walter? It's these type of things that frustrate me.

The dialogue is fairly average with only a couple of laughs throughout, but the adventure aspect was fun to watch. The middle chunk of the movie, when he leaves for Greenland up until he leaves for the Himalayas, was undoubtedly the most entertaining part of the movie. In this chunk, Walter has his transition from daydreaming absurd things to actually experiencing crazy realities. This is the best part of the movie for me, simply because he was in interesting locales with some pretty cinematography. Like my rating suggests, I didn't mind watching it at all, but its overall silly story weighed it down for me.