Thursday, June 12, 2014

Charlie Countryman (2013)

Charlie Countryman
Director: Matt Drake
Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Evan Rachel Wood, Mads Mikkelsen
My Rating: Didn't like it

Shia LaBeouf plays Charlie Countryman, a young adult who, taking a cue from his dead mother, leaves America to really live it up and go on an adventure. And it virtually doesn't take any time at all for him to find the love of his life and put his life in danger.

Charlie Countryman is entertaining, but it tries to be a bunch of different things and there's no real point to it. I feel that the whole thing was tonally inconsistent. The film never really shows its true identity. Sometimes the surrealist nature of the filming is attractive, but there's little to be liked beneath the visuals. One moment it's trying to be a comedy, the next a gangster film, the next a film noir, the next a love story. It's strange because if it were all these things at once it could've worked, but instead it sort of transitions from one genre to the next. Charlie Countryman certainly goes on an adventure, but a pretty shallow one. There's not much to take away from the film.