Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The One I love (2014)

The One I Love
Director: Charlie McDowell
Starring: Elizabeth Moss, Mark Duplass
My Rating: Loved It!

Finally! A romantic comedy I can really get behind! The One I Love is essentially a full length film episode of The Twilight Zone about couples therapy. The couple in the movie are in a rut in their relationship. Their therapist suggests a get-away to a specific vacation home and says that it has helped many other couples before them. They arrive and discover that the property has a guest house with supernatural capabilities. That's all I'll say!

The premise in which I can't speak of creates some hilarious and intriguing moments. I loved the ambiguous note it ended on, also. It was the perfect way to end this film. If the movie has a message about relationships, I'm honestly not quite sure what it is. But I am quite sure about this: just watching this film with your significant other could work as couples therapy.

Duplass and Moss shine here. This kind of movie must be an actors dream, because you have to be skilled to pull something like this off. I really enjoyed this flick. It's gutsy, and out there, and fun, and very entertaining. Watch it!