Friday, December 26, 2014

The Interview (2014)

The Interview (2014)
Directors: Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen
Starring: Seth Rogen, James Franco, Lizzy Caplan
My Rating: Liked It

This movie absolutely did not warrant all of the hoopla. The hackers should've actually watched the movie and realized it was nothing. Well, I guess any movie showing the death of a totalitarian leader is a big deal. Even so, I think The Interview is incredibly stupid, but it's a goofy, fun, and entertaining time. I'm the type of person who is probably in the key demographic of the movie, though. I love Rogen's goofy movies. You just need to get into the right mind state and realize what you're about to watch; it's not a political satire with any sort of message, it's just silliness aimed at the ridiculousness of North Korea as a whole.

I laughed out loud a lot throughout the movie, so that makes it a success. There's no doubt this will become a historic movie because of the whole situation; to the point the whole thing almost seems like a marketing scheme by Sony. Either way, if you like Knocked Up, Superbad, or This is the End, I can bet you will get a kick out of The Interview.

"They hate us cause they ain't us!"