Sunday, December 21, 2014

Cabin Fever: Patient Zero (2014)

Cabin Fever: Patient Zero
Director: Kaare Andrews
Starring: Sean Astin, Currie Graham, Ryan Donowho
My Rating: Didn't like it

This is how you know I'm simply a movie lover and no movie critic: although stupid a lot of the time, Cabin Fever: Patient Zero is pretty entertaining, especially to a horror movie lover.

It's easy to tell this will be a stupid movie right from the get-go. Patient zero is in a glass cube, clearly quarantined, and then the main scientist strolls right in to the cube beside a couple of guys in suits and masks, yet he doesn't have any kind of protection on him. Very smart. Or how about when the blonde scientist voluntarily goes in to the quarantine and, again, voluntarily holds down the highly infected, which leads to her getting infected. There are preposterously dim witted moments like this throughout the movie.

The characters aren't very interesting and the acting is that of a hallmark channel movie, but the last 30-45 minutes of Patient Zero are highly entertaining, to me at least. There is one fucking amazing horror moment in this flick. I live for new, creative moments in horror movies, and this was definitely a new, very hilarious one! I won't explain it for fear of ruining it, but it involves a highly infected person shooting a revolver.

As one would expect from a flesh eating virus movie, the blood runs thick in the second half of the film. And all of the effects are practical, which is a blessing to horror movie lovers. Cabin Fever: Patient Zero is yet another one of those so bad it's kind of good movies.