Monday, December 29, 2014

The Houses October Built (2014)

The Houses October Built
Director: Bobby Roe
Starring: Brandy Schaefer, Zack Andrews, Bobby Roe
My Rating: Didn't like it

I can definitely see this movie scaring some people; mostly teenagers, probably. This is not a good film by any means, but the situation the people get themselves in is absolutely terrifying; when you get down to it though, they asked for it. It's about a group of friends trying to find the ultimate haunted house experience. For the majority of the movie they go around "safe" haunted houses. Eventually they get word of an extreme haunted house in Louisiana. Extreme is an understatement. For a movie that slowly built up and up for about 70 minutes of its 90 minute run time, the ending was a bit underwhelming. The situation is horrifying, but the climax was a bit flat, just like the rest of the movie.

The Houses October Built is an intriguing idea for a horror movie, but it's boring 80% of the time, has bland characters all around, and the ending didn't go nearly as far it should've.