Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Magic in the Moonlight (2014)

Magic in the Moonlight
Director: Woody Allen
Starring: Colin Firth, Emma Stone
My Rating: Liked It

While Magic in the Moonlight is definitely a minor Woody Allen work, I still really enjoyed it. What can I say, I'm a fan of his films.

It's about a famous magician (Firth) who hears from a friend that there is a young medium (Stone) who is the real deal. He goes to debunk her powers but finds that maybe there is some magic in the world.

I think the best part of the movie is the filming and cinematography. The whole thing looks like a beautiful pastel painting, and Allen, as always, films simply yet beautifully, with help from the gorgeous coast of France. If you know Woody Allen movies you know that the content usually involves playing out his neuroses, and Magic in the Moonlight is certainly no different. The main character (Firth) is a skeptic who thinks that we live in a miserably cruel world, just like many of Allen's other main characters and obviously just like Allen himself.

Moonlight is labeled a romantic comedy, but I wouldn't label it a comedy. It's certainly not as funny as some of his other films, but I don't think it was trying to be laugh out loud hilarious. I enjoy the message: even the biggest skeptics can be swept off their feet and believe there is happiness in the world, even if it means believing a lie.