Sunday, July 27, 2014

V/H/S/2 (2013)

Directors: Simon Barrett, Jason Eisener, etc.
Starring: Lawrence Michael Levine, Kelsey Abbott, Adam Wingard
My Rating: Liked It

I will always love the V/H/S horror series. And I assume it will go on forever in one way or another. After all, it's just a handful of horror short films plastered together. V/H/S is the only series that I'm actually okay with seeing tons of sequels, because the opportunities are endless. Bring 'em on!

In my thoughts on the original V/H/S, I said that it would be better if there was more to the central story. They try to address this issue in V/H/S/2, but to not much avail. It's still a weak central story. Simply a way to show the horror shorts. And you know what, I'm okay with that, because I love the short films. I love horror films for their creativity, and most of the shorts from the two V/H/S films are driven by creativity. That's why they're so much fun to watch for me.

I will say that the first film is way scarier than this one by a long shot. But the production value of this sequel is definitely better; which in a sense is ironic, considering they're on VHS tapes, but I digress. If you liked the first one, or you like the horror genre, I can definitely vouch for V/H/S/2; you'll dig it.