Sunday, July 13, 2014

Obvious Child (2014)

Director: Gillian Robespierre
Starring: Jenny Slate, Jake Lacy, Gaby Hoffman
My Rating: Liked It

First of all, Jenny Slate is absolutely one of the most adorable girls ever, and she knocks it out of the park in her first leading role. She's a very funny person in real life, so I knew she would be hilarious, but I did not expect her to be as good as she was in the dramatic moments. This movie will, without a doubt, open her career up to bigger movies. As it should, because she's awesome!

All that's needed to be said about the plot is: it's a normal, modern day story about abortion, and it's super funny. It's kind of like the more mature version of Juno, except completely opposite at the same time because Juno ends up having her kid. Juno is quirky in a cute sense, whereas Obvious Child is quirky in a mature sense. Not much else to say. Give it a watch.