Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Director: Marcus Nispel
Starring: Jessica Biel, Jonathan Tucker
My Rating: Didn't like it

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre isn't a horribly made film, it's just a film that should not have been made. The original is so freaking good. Why make this? Oh yeah, because hollywood. And this remake changes the good parts about it just to have a lot of gore. Instead of a hitchhiker who cuts his hand and bleeds a teeny tiny bit, this movie has a hitchhiker who blows her brains out. Seriously, the hitchhiker was a vital role in the original film and it's completely ignored just to show some brains and to have a couple of cool camera shots that travel through the hole in the women's head. It's these kind of changes that baffle me. If you want more gore, fine, gore has become common place these days, but don't take out a key character that made the original the movie that it was.

See, I think hollywood has this whole "remake" thing wrong. All the films they re-make are really great older movies. Remakes should be of older movies that showed potential, but didn't come out all that great. In other words, movies/stories that could be improved upon. A really good example is The Last House on the Left. The original isn't a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination, but it's kind of sloppily put together, and it really shows its age 40+ years later. The remake didn't change a whole lot about the story, but it's a better movie, by far; it's way more watchable. The original The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is so good that it really does not show its age and it's put together incredibly well; it didn't need a remake.